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Was established within the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Tsukuba. Its objectives were to create a new framework for research and to enable and provide effective support to students and researchers in undertaking such new approaches to research. Is a forum for these study and research activities. It is a forum for reflection and discussion which reach beyond the boundaries of each given discipline.
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杩堝悜鈥滃仴搴蜂腑鍥解 濇柊寰佺 鈥斺 斿啓鍦ㄣ 婁腑鍥藉崼鐢熸斂绛栫爺绌躲 嬫潅蹇楀垱鍒? 鍋ュ悍涓 浗鑳屾櫙涓嬪尰鐤椾繚闅滃埗搴 悜鍋ュ悍淇濋殰鍒跺害杞 瀷鎺 储. 鈥滆 佹湁鎵 涓衡 濈悊璁鸿 闃堜笅鐨勮 佸勾閰嶅伓鐓ч 鑰呬箣浠峰 奸噸鏋? 鍥芥皯绀句細鍋ュ悍娴嬪害鍙婂叾褰卞搷鍥犵礌鐮旂 鈥斺 斿熀浜嶮IMIC缁撴瀯鏂圭 妯 瀷鐨勭粡楠岃瘉鎹? 鏂版椂浠g幇浠e尰闄 鐞嗗埗搴 殑婕旇繘璺 緞鍙婃斂绛栬 鎺? A 寮犻潤, 鐜嬭檸宄? 鍖荤敓瑙嗚 涓嬪尰甯堝 鐐规墽涓氶棶棰樺強瀵圭瓥鐮旂 鈥斺 斿熀浜庢墡鏍圭悊璁? 鏋勫缓鍒嗙骇璇婄枟浣撶郴鐨勬斂绛栧伐鍏烽 夋嫨鈥斺 斿熀浜庣渷绾ф斂搴滄斂绛栨枃鏈 殑閲忓寲鍒嗘瀽.
Thursday, September 08, 2011. Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress. Wednesday, August 10, 2011. On its front page, the New York Times. Tuesday, August 09, 2011. Connection to Love, Joy and Happiness. Experiment spots spooky quantum imprinting effect. By John E Dunn Techworld.